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15th and 16th March 2024
About the conference
“SMART” has become the buzz of the already ongoing technological developments leading to new possibilities. Recent Innovations that simplify our daily life, and provide more efficient services or production processes are on the rise. The bourgeoning field of smart puts a predominant focus in enabling sustainability through the use of innovation.
The conference aims to bring together researchers, academicians, scholars and experts from various fields of Electronics and Communication, Telecommunication, Electrical, Computer Science and Information Science Engineering and will provide an opportunity to share and discuss Recent Innovations in Smart and Sustainable Technology both locally and internationally.
The scope of the conference covers in publishing high-quality contributions on the novel methodologies, implementation of innovative concept based scientific work for submission on the following major themes:
Intelligent and Secure Mobile and Wireless Networks
VLSI & Embedded Systems, IoT and Computational Intelligence Systems
Smart City for sustainable Development
Image/Video/Multimedia Signal Processing
Optical Communication Networks & RF/Microwave Devices
MEMS & Nano Technology
Applications for DERs / EVs Integrated to Grid
Soft computing Techniques in Power Systems
Power Electronics and Energy Efficient Drives
Key attractions
Plenary and invited presentations given by leading scientists / industry leaders in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering and associated fields.
Highly selective programs of contributed papers on Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering and associated fields, their modelling/experiments/simulations and applications.
Informative, timely short invited talks in rapidly developing fields.
Frank and open technical discussions on recent advancements will be encouraged.
Nominal registration fee (for details visit the registration page)
Registrations Closed!!! Excited to meet you on March 15, 2024
Schedule Released --- Click Me
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